Loyola University / Communication Internships

Advertising: IMRE Communications

Imre Communications seeks motivated college students with excellent written and oral communication skills for Fall, Spring and Summer internships in our Baltimore, MD office. Ideal candidates will be in their junior/senior years majoring in Communications/Public Relations, Journalism, English, Psychology or Political Science.

IC's program will introduce students to the business of public relations and marketing communications and offer them an opportunity to be involved in daily account activities. Interns are assigned to account teams and will work with supervisors on projects such as creating press lists, drafting media advisories, pitch letters, and releases, pitching targeted media, preparing media clips, and assisting with creative projects, such as direct mail and collateral pieces.

Interns will gain experience in brand strategy, media relations, marketing communications, event planning, market research and analysis, community relations, brand strategy and marketing communications.

Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter and writing sample, e.g. brief class essay or published article, to Lindsay Muller, Intern Coordinator, at lindsaym@imrecommunications.com.

IC internships are unpaid opportunities, but typically qualify for college credit.

Imre Communications (IC) is a brand communications firm that specializes in helping companies meet their business objectives through creative marketing and public relations. IC offers a multidisciplinary approach to brand building, providing distinctive brand strategies, results-driven media relations, and dynamic corporate and marketing communications — each to effectively reach our clients' target audiences.

Imre Communications provides both business-to-business and business-to-consumer communications, focusing primarily on the hardware/home improvement, insurance, association and real estate industries. Fortune 500 enterprises to mid-sized companies, our clients include The Home Depot, John Deere, DAP, Ryobi, Ridgid, The St. Paul Companies, MetLife, American Urological Association and CoreNet Global.

The agency has offices in Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, DC, and is a Manning, Selvage & Lee Global Network Member. Please visit www.imrecommunications.com for additional information.

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