Loyola University / Communication Internships

Broadcast/TV/Radio/Journalism: Gtv - Howard County

Gtv, the Howard County Government Information channel, is recruiting assertive, hard-working individuals for internships.

-Assist producer in the production of TV specials and weekly news magazines
-Set up and operate studio cameras for talk shows and live county council sessions, hearings and meetings
-Assist reporters in preparing stories for "Inside Howard County"
0Assist with audio and lighting on field productions
-Hands-on, on-the-job training

-Able to commit to a 4-hour day at least 8 hours of work per week between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
-Have basic knowledge of video equipment and television techniques.

-You must receive college credit
-You must have taken intro/production video courses
-News and feature writing coursework helpful

Please complete the application by the required deadlines and mail to:
Gtv – Howard County Government Channel
9250 Bendix Road
Columbia, MD 21045
Attn: Susan Ellerbee, Senior Producer