Loyola University / Communication Internships

Marketing/Public Relations/Event Planning: Professionals in the City

We are looking for people to assist our Baltimore group. We need people to call venues to set up events, promote events, prepare marketing materials, help with public relations, help with marketing, help promote events, help with administrative work, update our website, help with check-in at some events, and help with related tasks. The hours are very flexible, although some of the work does need to be done during business hours. The work is a lot of fun, very social, and is an ideal experience for people with entrepreneurial aspirations. Much of the work can be done from your home. We are looking for people who are reliable, have excellent social skills, and are good writers. This is an unpaid internship. For details about us, see www.prosinthecity.com/baltimore

Michael Karlan
2950 Van Ness St., NW, #809
Washington, DC 20008-1118
Phone: 202-686-5990
Fax: 800-525-1871
E-Mail: baltimore@prosinthecity.com