Loyola University / Communication Internships

Journalism: Spanish Language Internships


Cover the Latino Community and National Hispanic Issues, Apply Today for the NAHJ/NHPF Ford Blue Oval Internships

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) and the National Hispanic Press Foundation are teaming up for the third year in a row to support Latino journalism students interested in interning with a Spanish-language newspaper or a Hispanic publication in English. The internship program, sponsored by Ford Motor Company Fund, will give four students the opportunity to spend 12 weeks in the nation’s capital this summer, covering local Latino communities and national Hispanic issues. They will also participate in a week-long intensive journalism training at the UNITY ’08 Convention in Chicago, July 23-27.

The interns will receive a weekly stipend, housing in Washington, D.C. travel between Washington and their home city, and travel, lodging and meals to attend the training at the UNITY ’08 Convention in Chicago.
The 2007 class of interns chronicled the latest developments in the immigration reform debate, covered hearings and issues in the Capitol on a myriad of issues, informed readers about employment trends, women’s issues and problems with their children’s education, and wrote extensively about the performance of local and national soccer teams, including the game in Washington featuring international soccer star David Beckham.
For more information: http://www.nahj.org/nahjnews/articles/2008/February/Ford08.shtml

La National Association of Hispanic Journalists, NAHJ (Asociación Nacional de Periodistas Hispanos) y la National Hispanic Press Foundation (Fundación Nacional de Prensa Hispana) han inaugurado el tercer año del programa de pasantías que llevan a cabo con todo éxito para estudiantes latinos de periodismo interesados en entablar carreras en los medios informativos en español o en publicaciones hispanas en inglés. Para el programa auspiciado por Ford Motor Company se seleccionarán cuatro estudiantes para pasar 12 semanas en la capital del país cubriendo las comunidades latinas locales y asuntos de interés hispano a nivel nacional. También participarán en una semana de entrenamiento intensivo en la Convención UNITY ’08 en Chicago, del 23 al 27 de julio.
Los pasantes recibirán un ingreso semanal, vivienda en Washington, D.C. y transportación aérea entre la ciudad de origen del estudiante y Washington. Además, se le cubrirán los gastos de viaje, hospedería y comidas para asistir a la Convención UNITY ’08 en Chicago.
La clase de pasantes del 2007 hizo reportajes relacionados al debate sobre la reforma migratoria, cubrió vistas y varios temas en el Capitolio, informó a los lectores sobre tendencias de empleo, temas de la mujer y problemas con la educación de los hijos, y reportó ampliamente sobre los equipos de fútbol locales y nacionales, incluyendo el partido en Washington en el que se destacó David Beckham, estrella internacional de este deporte.
Para más información y para descargar la solicitud: http://www.nahj.org/nahjnews/articles/2008/February/Ford08esp.shtml

Earn Money for College, Apply for an NAHJ Scholarship!

Since the inception of the Rubén Salazar Scholarship Fund and Educational Programs in 1986, NAHJ has awarded more than $1.4 million to 525 students. With these scholarships, NAHJ encourages and assists Latino students pursuing a career in journalism. Hispanics remain woefully underrepresented in mainstream U.S. newsrooms and with these scholarships, NAHJ wishes to help more qualified Hispanic students move from the classroom to the newsroom. Apply today! The awards range from $1,000 to $5,000. APPLICATION DEADLINE: MARCH 31, 2008

For more information about NAHJ’s scholarships please visit: http://www.nahj.org/educationalprograms/nahjscholarships.shtml

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Get Training and Cover the Industry’s Largest Gathering of Journalists, UNITY ‘08

Work in a “converged” newsroom at the UNITY ’08 Convention and meet hundreds of professional newspaper, radio, TV and online journalists. This experience can be yours if you apply for, and are accepted into, the UNITY ’08 Student Projects, which run from July 20-27 in Chicago. UNITY will pay for participants’ meals, travel and lodging.

The UNITY ’08 convention will be the largest gathering of journalists in the country and a great opportunity to learn newsroom skills from veterans. The UNITY web publication will become the main medium for students’ content and a prime source of news and information about this historic gathering for convention participants and online users across the country. Students will also continue publishing a daily newspaper and producing radio and a television newscast while also being trained in video, audio, webcasting, podcasting and a mix of multimedia skills that are now key to building a solid résumé.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: MARCH 31, 2008. For more information and to apply: http://www.nahj.org/educationalprograms/conventionprojects.shtml