Journalism / health
Student Health 101 is looking for male college student journalists and authors to write features and shorts on health issues that are of concern to college students. We have recently heard from many female student writers who are helping us with assignments, so we're reaching out now to more male writers to get their perspectives and voices in our publication. Student Health 101 is an e-newsletter distributed to about 1 million students at more than 300 colleges and universities nationwide. Topics include alcohol and drug abuse, contraception, fitness, nutrition, mental health, and more. Feature stories are 1,250 to 1,500 words; short features are 500-600 words; and health briefs are 300 words. The fees paid per article vary by length and the difficulty of the subject matter. We are looking for writers with excellent reporting skills. Be sure to attach a resume and at least two writing samples. Contact: Don Rauf,
Submitted by: Don Rauf
Organization: Student Health 101
Deadline: Feb 07, 2011 06:00 PM EST(America/New_York)
Organization URL:
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