Journalism: Baltimore Sun Sports
The Sun is seeking academic interns to work in its Sports department starting this fall. The interns must receive college credit; they will not be paid.
Though their work will be tied to the beginning of the high school sports seasons, interns could start in the latter part of August. They would be responsible for processing high school results -- taking highlights, scores and summaries over the phone, compiling them from e-mails and coding them in the appropriate formats for the newspaper. Though the length of shifts and exact times could vary, hours generally would be during 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. We don't anticipate having our interns doing any writing, except perhaps contributing to roundups compiled in the office.
The focus is on handling high school agate, but if interns prove proficient, we might have them help our editorial assistants in processing college and pro sports agate.
Ray Frager
Assistant Sports Editor
The Sun
office: 410-332-6995