Baltimore Sun: editorial, features, sports
The Baltimore Sun offers for-credit internships during the summer, fall and spring for college students who are preparing for careers in print journalism.
Academic interns are typically Baltimore-area college students during the fall and spring semesters and college students who reside in the Baltimore-area during the summer.
These internships will introduce students to the newsroom; to methods of news-gathering, writing and editing; and to the stages of newspaper production.
Aspiring reporters will have opportunities to contribute to stories produced by The Sun's reporters, and whenever possible, to work on stories of their own. These internships are geared for goal-oriented self-starters who have basic interviewing, research, writing and typing skills.
To get the most from this experience, students must be available to work weekdays during regular newsroom hours, which vary by department. Typically, interns work two or three full days a week. Schedules are negotiable.
Interns are expected to suggest story ideas; to pitch in with telephone and clerical help; and to fulfill the requirements set for internship credit by the college or university.
Internship assignments are based on availability and on our assessment of the student's skills, experience and interests.
Internships are available at our regional news offices and city desk; business news, sports, features, and photography departments; copy desks; news graphics, design desks, multimedia department and library.
Interns must submit a letter from a school confirming that they will receive academic credit for the internship. This letter or an attachment should also include any requirements set by the school such as total number of hours required or any type of evaluation needed during or at the end of the internship. Interns cannot start until this letter has been faxed, emailed, mailed or hand-delivered to The Sun’s intern coordinator.
To apply, please send the following to Sam Davis, Assistant Managing Editor for Administration and Recruitment, The Baltimore Sun, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Maryland 21202 or e-mail: (no phone calls, please):
• Cover letter. State briefly the type of internship desired.
• Resume
• Up to 8 samples (copies, not originals) of published work.