Loyola University / Communication Internships

Public Relations: On Wheels (Bowie, MD)

On Wheels, Inc., located in Bowie, Maryland is searching for a
public relations intern. We are a media/publication company looking for
students to work alongside myself, public relations assistant, providing PR

Students are expected to work a maximum of 20-hours weekly. This is not a
paid opportunity, but a stipend is available to cover travel and lunch

Please contact me at the number listed below for more information if any of
your students might be interested in this opportunity.

I look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, visit our website at

Thank you,

Shandrial Hudson
Public Relations Assistant
On Wheels, Inc.
P: 301-390-1823

Magazine Production & Design: National Journal (Washington DC)

Magazine Production & Design Internship

Government Executive

Government Executive seeks a current college student or recent college graduate to join our editorial art department from April – September 2008 as part of our paid internship program. The Magazine Production & Design Intern will assist the Art Director and art department to get first-hand exposure to day-to-day magazine functions and processes. Intern will gain experience with photo research, basic magazine production, and some print design work. Intern will primarily assist with print production for our bi-weekly magazine, but will also have the opportunity to work on online production for GovExec.com.

The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in visual journalism and a passionate desire to learn about editorial design and production. Experience with Quark Xpress and Adobe CS2 for the Max platform is preferred.

Please contact Lyndsay Polloway at lpolloway@nationaljournal.com or 202-739-8400 x7150.

Public Relations/Design/Photography: National Pork Producers (Wash. DC)

Working for NPPC

The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) is the voice of the pork industry on legislative and regulatory matters in Washington, D.C. It represents more than 67,000 pork producers, who in 2006 marketed 57 million hogs with total gross receipts of $14 billion. Our industry generates more than 550,000 jobs in the United States, including input suppliers, producers, processors, handlers and main-street businesses. Overall, an estimated $20.7 billion of personal income and $34.5 billion of gross national product are supported by the hog industry based on 2005 levels of production. U.S. pork and pork variety meat exports in 2004 were valued at more than $2 billion.

NPPC is the global voice for the U.S. pork industry working daily to protect the livelihoods of pork producers by fighting for reasonable legislation and regulation and developing revenue and market opportunities. Our mission is to add significant value to pork producers and industry investors by achieving favorable laws and regulations that help them operate successful businesses and compete effectively and profitably in the global marketplace

Communications Intern

The communications intern reports to the Communications Assistant and the Director of Communications. The intern provides support primarily to these two positions through various tasks and must possess strong writing, analytical and communications skills. Daily, the intern will research, collect, and read media pieces related to the pork industry for the publication titled Pork Daily Intelligence. He or she will also attend meetings and congressional hearings when necessary to take photos and report important information, so a strong interest in public policy is beneficial. Weekly, the intern will write a summary of legislative affair related to the pork industry for the Capital Update publication. The intern will assist in the writing and graphic design of newsletters, brochures and the Web site. The media contact list, membership list and publications lists are the intern’s duty to maintain and update. The intern also assists in creating informational packets for NPPC meetings and conferences.

This internship opportunity is designed to provide the participant with notable experience, writing samples, the ability to complete a relevant project of interest and develop photography, graphic design and Web site skills.

How to Apply

Deadline for summer 2008: March 17, 2008
Internship period: June through August, 2008
Location: Washington, D.C.
Stipend: $500/week and reimbursement of Metrorail Transit expenses

Beyond the experience, the NPPC internship program offers a competitive stipend suitable for the intern to live while in Washington, D.C. NPPC will not compensate interns for relocation, transportation or housing expenses. Students will be provided with a list of nearby housing options for assistance.

To apply, please send cover letter, resume, writing sample and a list of 3 references to Kelsey Fourdyce:

Mail: The National Pork Producers Council
C/O Kelsey Fourdyce
122 C St. N.W. Suite 875
Washington, D.C 20001

Fax: (202) 347-5265
Email: fourdycek@nppc.org

Kelsey Fourdyce
Communications Assistant
National Pork Producers Council

Journalism: Student Health 101 e-newsletter

Student Health 101 is looking for college student journalists and authors to write features and shorts on health issues that are of concern to college students. Student Health 101 is an e-newsletter distributed to about 200,000 students at more than 75 colleges and universities nationwide. Topics include alcohol and drug abuse, contraception, fitness, nutrition, mental health and more. Feature stories are 1,250 to 1,500 words; short features are 500 to 600 words; and health briefs are 350 words. Articles also contain audio files. The fees paid per article vary by length and difficulty of subject matter. We are looking for writers with excellent reporting skills. Be sure to attach a resume and at least two stories you have written. Contact: Don Rauf, don@studenthealth101.com

MilkPEP: marketing/advertising

This is Alison Kiczek, a former student of yours from the Class of 2006, Communications Major and a Marketing Minor. I am currently working at MilkPEP on the "client side" of the National got milk? Milk Mustache Marketing Campaign.

We are going to be looking for a summer intern this year so if you have any students who would be interested in a summer internship at MilkPEP in Washington, DC, please have them email me at akiczek@milkpep.org with their resume and specification of whether they are looking for a paid internship, internship for credit, or either. This would be a really good experience for an intern. We are a small group of only 11 people who work with 5 global marketing agencies. An intern would get many valuable learning opportunities on a nationally acclaimed marketing campaign. Great for a resume!

Please share this opportunity with your students and have them contact me if they are interested.

Thanks so much,

Alison Kiczek
Marketing Manager
1250 H Street, NW
Suite 950
Washington, DC 20005
(p) 202.220.3558
(f) 202.737.0156