Loyola University / Communication Internships

b online and print news: writing, sports, editing, design (unpaid and paid)

We have academic internship opportunities in the spring for in a number of specialties: news writing, sports, entertainment/pop culture, copy editing, design, graphics, photography, video, Web design and more. Internships are unpaid, but students would have their bylines/credit lines published in b.

In addition, we’re looking for campus stringers who can share campus news briefs, sports updates and photos. Students would be compensated and have their bylines/credit lines published in b.

If interested, they should send a cover letter, resume and work samples to anne@bthesite.com.


Anne Tallent
501 N. Calvert St.
P.O. Box 1377

Public Relations: TurnAround, Inc.


A talented writer and energetic self-starter is sought for a 12-hour a week internship at TurnAround, Inc., a small nonprofit located in Towson, MD. Duties will include writing press releases, Public Service Announcements and copy for marketing collateral such as event invitations and event programs. The intern will assist the Director of Development and Public Relations in planning and promoting a major fundraising event, “Steppin’ Out to Celebrate Sports” at the M&T Stadium. Duties will also include media relations in gaining publicity for this event and other duties as assigned. A great opportunity to see the inner workings of a nonprofit organization from the inside and learn what goes into planning a major annual event. Hours are flexible; however, it is preferred if intern can work in four-hour blocks of time on certain days of the week. Writing samples and a personal interview are required for this position. For further information, contact Karen Smedley at 410-377-8111 ext. 109.