Loyola University / Communication Internships

Public Relations Politics: Maryland Governor O'Malley's Communications Office

Governor O’Malley’s Communications Office is currently accepting intern applications for the spring of 2008. Hardworking, organized and self-motivated college students and graduate students interested in working in State politics are encouraged to apply. We are looking for interns who have a superb writing ability, who learn quickly, can articulate ideas, and are enthusiastic about learning about State government. Some duties of the internship include writing press releases, writing talking points, writing briefings, doing research, coordinating press events and other administrative tasks as assigned. Full-time preferred, but willing to work with schedule. Must be able to do at least 3 full days. Interns would need to start right away. This internship is unpaid. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Christine Hansen at chansen@gov.state.md.us. No phone calls, faxes or drop-ins please.

Web Journalism/Editorial: University of Maryland Medical Center

Editorial Intern, University of Maryland Medical Center Web site (www.umm.edu)

The University of Maryland Medical Center is seeking a nonpaid editorial intern to work 10-20 hours a week on its award-winning Web site (www.umm.edu). Our site gets more traffic (75,000 visitors a day or 2.25 million a month) than any other hospital or medical center Web site in the country. Job responsibilities include writing and editing Web site content, and other duties as directed by the Web site editor.

The ideal candidate is a communications major who has several years of writing/editing experience. Web site content development is a plus.

To apply, please e-mail (clindsley@umm.edu) or fax (410-328-3450) a cover letter, resume and two writing samples to Web site editor Chris Lindsley. Questions? Call Chris at 410-328-7578.

Video Production: Mayor's Office of Cable & Communications

Mayor’s Office of Cable & Communications (TV25)
Internship Program

The Mayor’s Office of Cable and Communications’ intern program consists of three modules that move an intern from novice student to a one (1) year experience level in five (5) months. It is our goal to provide an intern with sufficient instructions and hands on experience that after completing the program, interns will be able to gain employment as an experienced production assistant or freelancer in a number of production areas. The following is a description of each module.

Module #1
Interns are given the opportunity to gain first hand experience in all phases of production. Interns learn in detail how to:
- operate studio cameras and teleprompter
- operate control room equipment (i.e. switcher, character generator, editor, and audio board)
- floor direct
- field produce videotape and the duties of a production assistant
- create computer graphics
- edit videotape on linear and digital non-linear systems
- and learn the duties of a program producer
- how to act as program talent.

Module #2
Interns are placed into areas where they are expected to operate as production assistants, camera operators, editors, writers and assistant producers on actual real-time productions, studio shoots and press conferences. They are also expected to assistant in daily operations of our office as needed during this time.

Module #3
After learning the “how to dos” of production, interns are split into groups and are required to complete a final production project on a topic positive for Baltimore residents, which consists of a 30-second PSA (public service announcement) and a 6-minute produced segment on the chosen topic.

Note: Interns who are not able to be present at their assigned times must call at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule.

Cassandra Vaughn-Fox _ Cassandra.Vaughn-Fox@baltimorecity.gov _ 410-396-1100